Showing posts with label allie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label allie. Show all posts

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Gypsy Magic for the Lover's Soul :A Romany Book of Spells, Sachets, Oils and Incense

Gypsy Magic for the Lover's Soul :A Romany Book of Spells, Sachets, Oils and Incense
Allie Theiss
150 Pages, Gypsy Girl Press
ISBN 0-9771835-0-5
Available on ( click on the title link above to buy)

Reviewed by Deepa Kandaswamy

The Roma people have always been a misunderstood lot in the West and ignored in the East. Magic and Meditation on the other hand mean different things to different people. The author, Allie Theiss aka Allie L.T, traces her ancestry to the Roma people of Europe and has succeeded in creating a interesting, informative and intriguing book about Roma people and magic.

Easy to read and understand, the book explains what magic means to a gypsy and how the word gypsy itself came about. It contains information on stones, incenses, oils and spells and explains each in detail. It also has warnings and how to go about charging and casting spells of love and healing for friends and lovers. For those interested in magic, real magic being the healing of ourselves and our loved ones and living in harmony with the world, this book offers insight and makes one contemplate.

Crisply written, it makes an interesting read. All of us have something we wish for - healing a broken heart or mending a friendship, a longing for love or friends, a way to break off a relationship amicably, etc.

Since the crux of the book is about this very topic, it is well worth the read.

© Deepa Kandaswamy, All rights reserved.

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