Showing posts with label Covid-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid-19. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Book review: Probably the most important book you will ever read - China Syndrome


China Syndrome
by Karl Taro Greenfeld
Genre: Non-fiction
2006, Harper Collins

“He then announced a new policy called “The Three Nos,” which came straight from the Communist Party Publicity Department: no talking to the media about the nature of SARS, no talking to the public about doctors’ personal experience treating the disease, and no communicating with the WHO about anything to do with SARS." - China Syndrome

This is the most important book you can ever read possibly in this century about the SARS coronavirus. Armed with detailed research and personal experience, the author takes you through the politics, economics, cultural and environmental parts of the epidemic which is continuing to this day in its mutated form. It includes what had been the behavioral or environmental change that had created the right circumstances for coronavirus to jump species - urbanization, consumerism, so called "development" and globalization.

While the world was watching and debating the War on Iraq and eyeballs worldwide were glued to TV screens on what was happening in Iraq, the world was facing a deadly global outbreak as the coronavirus had jumped species and human - human transmission was happening in what was then termed SARS. Just when the whole world was questioning the use of the existence of UN because the Iraq war was taking place, the health arm of the UN namely the WHO was working hard trying to get the Chinese government to open up. It was coordinating with multiple countries where the disease outbreak  was seen like US,Vietnam, India, Thailand, Japan, Mongolia, and of course the originator, China.While American CDC discovered it was the coronavirus that caused SARS, the Chinese CDC did too but the the Chinese government gagged them from announcing it apart from indulging in under reporting of deaths, closing of industry which led to migrant worker problems and super spreading as they arrived back in remote parts of China. All the politburo did was try to save face and made it illegal to even share samples inside China  which doctors from Hong Kong managed to smuggle in at great personal loss to identify. The whistle blower was Dr.Jiang Yanyong who was placed under house arrest for sending letters to the Chinese media and Communist party that they needed to inform the world and did through the TIME magazine website. Then there was Dr. Guan Yi who identified the virus and the animal which was spreading it namely the masked palm civet which is popular food in the wet markets in Shenzhen,China and Vietnam apart from SriLankan Dr. Malik Peiris who was working with Yi in HongKong.

It led to the fall of Jiang Zemin and rise of Hu Jianto. By making China, especially Southern China the global manufacturing hub for all things as the whole world chanted the mantra of "More but Cheap" during the Era of Wild Flavor and wet markets created conditions for the virus to jump species. Development and globalisation which leads to cramped work environments is perfect for the virus as it aids in  speeding up replication.With globalisation in travel, we ensured the virus could be in all parts of the world within a day's time.

The writing is crisp, factual and has the humane touch which is hard to come by in this genre. It reads like a thriller which keeps
bringing the line "Truth is stranger than fiction" to mind repeatedly The last words are ominous in the book as the world is now seeing so called waves of the coronavirus aka Covid-19. Greenfeld writes about how it  had already spread from civets to chickens to pigs in 2004 itself and how it was contained and treated. The virus was still among us and while the infectious disease network kept track of it, the rest of the world went back to its merry self pretending the virus is not mutating or doesn't exist.

If only this book had been made mandatory reading for all medical students worldwide, we might have been able to control the
outbreak in 2019 instead of repeating the mistakes the Chinese government did in 2002 which was replicated  by governments
worldwide thanks to international flights and forgetting the SARS outbreak that was contained initially by massive killing of
certain animals. Media and social media failed to spread awareness during SARS, avian flu, swine flu and now Covid-19 - which
seems to be a mutated form of the same virus  which in 2003 was termed "Breath taker" before it was given the term SARS.
Failing to review this book and following it up with stories on the ground seems to be the massive mistake that the world media has made and concentrating on the so called "War on Terror" experiences. If only there had been awareness, research for vaccines could have begun almost 20 years ago and millions of lives would have been saved and we would have been relatively less likely to be in this mess we are in now worldwide.

Buy the book here

Saturday, 21 November 2020

Leave the World Behind - book review




Leave The World Behind
By Rumaan Alam
Harper Collins, 2020

Amanda and Clay and their two teenage kids head out from their busy, cramped lives in New York to a lazy, roomy holiday in Long Island. They are delighted with the house they are renting and the quietness of their surroundings. They are happy to leave the world behind as they cannot be reached even by their mobile phones. The kids are reading and swimming. Amanda and Clay manage to find each other. After a couple of days, they hear a knock at midnight that scares the couple. They open to find that it is the owner of the house and his wife - an elderly black couple who wish to stay the night in their own home. Amanda is suspicious and all her racist thoughts come to the fore before she realizes they are the owners. Then all things go crazy. The TV has no signal and all of them hear a loud noise. The two families are scared out of their wits and do not know what is going on. The teens are unaffected even though they do get scared when seven flamingos land in their pool. How do the two families get on? Do they get on? How do the kids react if they react at all forms the rest of the story.

This book reminded me of eating something delicious. In the beginning, you lick your fingers at the tasty frosting/topping and the insightful way the author describes the world of Amanda and Clay, especially their car. You can easily visualize Amanda, Clay and their children Archie and Rose. Then when G.H. Washington and Ruth make an appearance, you are made to wonder what is happening in the world. Can we really leave the world behind? There are several humourous moments but the suspense keeps dragging on. Then the bottom dropped out or rather I realised the book was over but the suspense was not explained away. It was disappointing that all I had left were crumbs while the questions remained. What was the noise? Why did the Archie's teeth just fall off and why was he bleeding after they all heard the noise? Is he okay? Are Ruth's grandsons okay? Does the noise affect only boys or was it completely unconnected with it all? Does Rose get back home? What did she know that the rest of the characters including the reader doesn't?

The writing style is crisp keeping the story suspenseful.Alam doesn't end the story in the traditional way which leaves you unsatisfied as you want all stories to have a beginning, middle and end. Reading it during the pandemic which one doesn't know how it is going to end, maybe this sort of ending makes sense. Leaves you philosophical but angry at ourselves. Why are humans not like trees? Why do we claim so much of the living earth and kill everything in the process of our small journey here called life? Is this how it is going to end for all of us as we keep ignoring facts about climate change and the temporary nature of lives? In the blimp that we call life, why do we hate, kill, support conflict, terrorise the earth and each other? Why do we live as if we are here forever when we know we will be gone in a blimp?

If you would like to buy the book, go click on the link here

Book Review : Oliver's Travels by Clifford Garstang

  Oliver's Travels by Clifford Garstang 302 pages, Regal House Publishing. Genre : Fiction "To find what you’re looking for, you ha...